Where shall I draw my line?

Somewhere in Kensington,London.

I`m kinda like
standing in the middle of the road
between the lines
where shall I put my foots on
but as soon as
you are
right at the borders between
love & hate
you`ll find
there`s an area of indistinct


But I would choose to stay Underground.

London`s Underground


  1. 艾莉~エリ said...

    I don't think drawing a lines will be the best choice

    I neither draw any lines

    I bet u will curious with another sides of the lines soon

    Try to attain balance and just in your life...

    don't draw the lines deliberately...and you will be happier!

    For some reason,I think you are awesome...

    you know a lot of things I don't know...

    I will share my hapiness with u,okay?

    Sunshine stay forever
    Get used to smile...=)  


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