My Breast Clinic

If you are nulliparous(never give birth),
with a recent erupted non-tender lump on ur breast,
or sometimes with pricking sensation,
with or without nipple discharges,
either skin dimple
or nipple retraction,
or even more severe
with orange skin(peau d`orange)
& you may need to visit
your medical consultant.


Welcome to Dodo`s Breast Clinic.

Yes.Thats me.

Don`t believe?
go South Ikea-Mega-Ashan to see lol.

dua Sin!

although post is deleted.
but i still wanna put.
hahaha..this is 大神

Post Deleted.

I felt bad.
Post Deleted.

Where shall I draw my line?

Somewhere in Kensington,London.

I`m kinda like
standing in the middle of the road
between the lines
where shall I put my foots on
but as soon as
you are
right at the borders between
love & hate
you`ll find
there`s an area of indistinct


But I would choose to stay Underground.

London`s Underground


放手 放开所有 彼此更自由
放手 其绝非爱得不够
放手 豁出所有 还有这个好友

已经 已经足够

放手 我的牵挂 找不到尽头
放手 期望你幸福甚麽都有
也许 爱很深厚 然而我早看得透

放手 至可拥有

New Sem, New Specs.

I`m backin the Hell.
With the new specs,
For the new sem.
and instead of scrubbing in,
we scrubbed off the dental clinic.

My aim for this sem,
Clear all EMO.

What`s Next?

Here`s the thing about the future,
every times you look at it, it changes.
Because is the way you look at it,
it changes everything else.

What would you do if you know you gonna die after 2 mins?


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