Young Boy

This is a 5-year-old Boy.

with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.

and can you predict his future?

Signed in Blood - Dodo Montague.

Cave In

It's like I love this pain
a little too much
Love my heart all busted up
Something about her
We just don't work
But I can't walk away

It's like I love this pain.

Desert Well. Taken in Hurgada, Egypt 2006.
Always love this photo. Like I love you.

Signed in Blood - Dodo Montague.

Mayday Out!

I see this.. I think bout Doug.
Happy Birthday Dude!

and I see this..

and this...

and this.. st.basilica reward for those who bump in here.

and i see this.. I think bout Shyang..
Happy Graduation. Have a Breakaway dude!

and thiss...for the

There You Go..

Signed in Blood - Dodo Montague.


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