Is Nail Biting Genetic or Acquired?
Tim Wysocki, a paediatric psychologist, believes a nail biting child is usually not aware of the habit. Nail biting is often an acquired behaviour. The child resorts to such behaviour because of its association with some form of comfort or pleasure derived from it. Studies also suggest that nail biting can run in the family thus indicating a genetic factor. This is also borne out by the fact that some children start biting their nails as toddlers.
Incidence !
Nail biting is common. Although incidence is greater amongst children, adults are also affected. In a 1995 study entitled 'Operant Learning Principles Applied to Nail Biting' author Terry M. McClanahan estimated that 28 to 33 per cent of children between the ages of seven and 10; 44 per cent of adolescents; 19 to 29 per cent of young adults and five per cent of older adults are nail biters. In another study an incidence in the range 45-60% of children age eight to eleven has been reported. Nail biting tends to peak between the ages of 10 and 18. Although boys and girls appear equally prone to the habit in their earlier years, after the age of 10, more boys than girls are nail biters. Studies seem to suggest a higher incidence of onychophagia amongst people with higher intelligence. Possibly as a result of such people being given more responsibilities and consequential anxiety. A caution: There is no evidence that biting your nails makes you more intelligent however, so there remains every reason to discourage the habit!
I picked up this habit since i was very young.
I realise, when I`m Stress, I bite more.
I wanna stop.
But How?
I think I may need this.
Seems like i haven`t post anything related to the Buckingham Palace.
first thought to be a lot dogs barking for Ham inside...Hehe...
The victoria memorial outside Buckingham Palace.
This is Duke of Wellington, The one who beats Napoleon. Salute!.
This is Kensington Palace, House of Princess Diana once.
And I`d nearly forget bout the Big Ben and The Westminster Abbey.
There you go! miss little Abby.
Year 1991.
Year 2007.
16 years, I revisit this Zoo again.
Nothing Much Has change.
Friendster Blogggedd.
Percussion and Palpation on Liver Today.
3 superior borders and 5 inferior borders to be considered.
Liver palpated to be soft, at the inferior border,
2cm below the costal arch at the right mid-clavicular line.
Reminder For All :
SPLEEN is NOT PALPABLE in a healthy person.
The Garden of St.Paul Cathedral.
This is Zhi Hao`s Lou Piew, travelling together with me, while Zhi Hao is eating Pasta Rice, instead of Curry Rice during his visit to Latvia jail cell. haha.
Take a Breezy Morning View at the Balcony, climbling hundreds of steps above the tip of the Vault.
Yo..Thats Me.
Tower of London.
If you flip over the brochure, you`ll find him, The Icon Man of the Tower.
The Jewel Tower, behind.
Don`t Know What tower, is it White Tower?
Thats Me Again.
oo..You never gonna hurt him from there.
Yes! That`s the TowerBridge.
View From The Bridge, Looking at HMS Belfast behind, When the "Hollander" Douglas calling for lunch.
Another Thames River View From HMS Belfast.
Another London`s Eye.
Finally Something Attract me. The Invisible Man.
Upcoming next post, featuring the Big Ben and the Kensington Palace.