External Fixation

1. Fractures with severe soft-tissue damage in which the wound can be left open for inspection and dressing.
2. Comminuted & Unstable fractures.
3. Fractures of pelvis.
4. Fractures associated with injuries of nerve & blood vessel.
5. Infected fractures.(eg. osteomyelitis)
6. Non-united fractures where the dead fragments can be excised and combine with elongation in normal shaft.

Internal Fixation


1. Fracturees which cannot be reduced.
2. Unstable fractures & prone to redisplacement after reduction.
3. Pathological fractures in bone diseases.
4. Multiple fractures
5. Fractures which poorly unite. eg. femoral neck.
6. Fractures in patient with nursing difficulties.

Salter & Harris Classification

5 types of
Physis Growth Plate Injuries.
Children are mostly affected.

Type 1 & 2 are uncommon for growth disturbances.
Type 3 may damage reproductive zone,
Type 4 causing aysmmetrical growth
Type 5 result from compression to the growth plate result
in growth cessation.


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